Teething is a natural process that occurs as a baby's first set of teeth starts to emerge through the gums. It typically begins between the ages of four to six months and can last until the child is about three years old. However, every child is different, and the duration and intensity of teething can vary. Some children don’t get their first tooth until their first birthday, while others can get them sooner.
This isn’t an issue, however. Babies develop differently, so you should not worry if the first tooth comes too early or too late. Bring it up with your childrens dentist if the baby reaches 18 months and their first tooth still hasn’t shown up.
Teething usually lasts for about a week. The discomfort starts a few days after the tooth begins to erupt and a few days after. Unfortunately, the timeline can be even longer if the baby’s teeth exit in the gums one after the other.
It’s difficult to say exactly how long the child’s tooth will take to fully exit the gums, though not all babies experience discomfort throughout the whole process.
Still, because baby teeth don't come through until the child is 3 years old, it’s very important to learn a few strategies to help manage their discomfort.
It’s perfectly natural for the child to be in a bit of discomfort as their tooth grows. It’s unpleasant, but it doesn’t mean the child is in any danger.
Here are some tips that can help them feel better while teething:
There are also some teething gels available, but it's best to speak with your childrens dentist before using them. They may be able to give you additional tips to try before.
Did you know you should take a child to their first dental appointment as soon as their first baby tooth emerges? We are here to make sure the little one’s smile grows happy and healthy and provide more teething tips for exhausted parents.
Schedule an appointment at Dreamhouse Dental online, or call us at (323) 300-2660.